Clean and warm your womb naturally!

Inspired by ancient Korean rituals, the V-Steam is an elegant, sleek Korean therapy system for purifying the womb. We encourage all female clients to try this amazing therapy system!

1 session V-steam - $75

3 sessions V-steam - $180

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When the human body temperature increases above 1°C, the immune system functions become 5 TIMES more effective and the body naturally achieves hormonal extraction and purification. For women in particular, warm body temperature and womb are crucial to maintaining healthy bodily functions. The V-steam, which contains 9 natural herbal essences, helps the body achieve total balance in various ways:

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  • Regulates irregular menstrual cycles, endometriosis, and infertility
  • Encourages body fluid secretion (sweating) to extract bad toxins
  • Promotes blood circulation, resulting in cleaner skin and healthy odor (detox)
  • Accelerates digestive functions and constipation (dietary effects)
  • Initiates cells to address various vaginal and uterine infections or disorders
  • Reduces fatigue, nausea, and other stress-related discomfort
  • Supports the body from being susceptible to fever and sickness

*** Avoid V-Steams if

  • you are pregnant
  • after ovulation (if attempts have been made to conceive)
  • you are actively bleeding (during period or post-natal)
  • you have an infection
  • and/or you have vaginal sores or blisters